by the numbers
Height: 5'0", thank you very much
Weight: 140lbs, give or take.
Bra: 2/10, dislike wearing, but will for aesthetic purposes
Corsets: 10/10 love them since they do the bra thing without being a bra
Height: 5'0", thank you very much
Weight: 140lbs, give or take.
Bra: 2/10, dislike wearing, but will for aesthetic purposes
Corsets: 10/10 love them since they do the bra thing without being a bra
Shockingly, I actually enjoy this part of my job and love kisses and foreplay. I do have a quirk where my nipples can get oversensitive however, so please listen if I ask you to be gentle or stop.
I love my furbaby more than anyone else and would do anything for her.
Learn more by letting me natter on about her incessantly/downloading her photo here
I've got interests in both creative and more logical and scientific pursuits! I'm sure we'll be able to find something to talk about :)
It's where my scars are from.